I love creating wallpapers, but can't use them all. I thought I'd share a few since I love windowblinds. I know I'm not good at making skins or anything, but I wanted to contribute something! I've added some new Vista logons to the site now.

bunch of crud

Oct 18, 2010 11:46 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Hi all,

I haven't posted in the forum for quite some time now, but something or someone has been bothering me for quite a while now. People work hard to create the walls they submit! I know mine haven't met the approval of a few people, but I do work hard at them. It's unfair that someone has been rating walls way down and not even commenting on them. What kind of a clown does that? Are they so chicken that they can't even lay claim to their spiteful ways? I'm tired of it!

As I said, there are a few people who are not satisfied with anything I do, be that as it may, don't just rate low and not explain why you did it! Only losers do that!

37 Replies Reply 9 Referrals


Aug 12, 2010 8:18 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Hi all!

I was just wondering what you do with screenshots? I've wanted to ask this question for some time now and just got around to asking! [e digicons]:sun:[/e]

8 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

still don't get it!

May 24, 2010 3:29 AM by Discussion: Wallpapers

I started the post on how walls are rated, and I still don't understand, I don't see anywhere that lets me rate a wall! I've tried 4 browsers to see if that was the problem, but there's just nowhere that says to rate a wall. What am I missing? I'm still really confused on this![e digicons]8C[/e]

5 Replies Reply 8 Referrals


May 14, 2010 1:02 AM by Discussion: Wallpapers

I was just wondering about the wallpaper ratings. I've seen a lot of wallpapers that have 5 stars on them and they aren't that great! I've seen some with 2&3 stars that I thought were a lot better. How do you rate them and who does the rating? Just something I've wondered about for a long time now. I'm not trying to complain about anyone's work, I'm just curious! [e digicons]:maybe:[/e]

27 Replies Reply 7 Referrals

wrong gender

May 11, 2010 7:26 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Ever since I've been a member my user information in the link above, has said I'm a male. I've even been asked if I had a sex change! NO!!

Please correct that for me, I've tried to do it myself, but without any luck. I'm all woman, 100% certifiably woman! Thanks! [e digicons]:pout:[/e]

31 Replies Reply 7 Referrals


Apr 18, 2010 4:32 PM by Discussion: Skinning

I'm a journeyman here and all of a sudden my walls and logons are having to be approved again, why?[e digicons]X([/e]

3 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

Dec 4, 2009 6:23 PM by Discussion: Community

I would like to say just a few words about Wincustomize and the sence of community here. I administer at 3 other sites and love doing it, because to me, there is a huge sence of community! I love the fact that Wincustomize has that same appeal! It's great to be able to support one another in our endevors, the comments are (most of the time) really possitive and the forums cover everything from Windowblinds to wallpapers. Great work Wincustomize! I'm proud to be a member here! [e digicons]:bebi:[/e]

22 Replies Reply 11 Referrals


Sep 5, 2009 11:16 PM by Discussion: Community

I've been a member of Wincustomize for about 3 years, or more now, for about a year my walls were being rejected and I couldn't figure out way. I emailed one of the Admins after receiving another failure notification for a submittion of a wall entry. I finally decided to email this person back and ask them why I kept getting rejected. I thought for sure it was because I didn't register as a paid member here! I got an email back saying that I was submitting the wrong size preview! What a dummy I felt like! I want to personally thank for their volunteers who answer emails like mine! So, THANK YOU!!!

jazzilady [e digicons]:bebi:[/e]

30 Replies Reply 12 Referrals


Apr 28, 2008 6:32 PM by Discussion: Permissions

Hi all,

This is my first time writing anything in WinCustomize. Something has been bothering me though, I've been seeing a lot of renders that are right from a certain author and he's not getting the credit for it. Aren't we supposed to at least mention their names when they have done all the work? Give credit where credit is due! I uploaded a wall paper called Collosal and I made sure that everyone knew that it was from dfeaton316 at The only thing I noticed was other people coming up with the same exact graphics, but no mention of this artist? What is up with that? Give the man his credit!!

I admit, I havent always done that, but, and I know I've been wrong in the past. I'm trying now though, to give credit to the right people, and hope that makes up for the past?

This in no way implies that this was written with any one person in mind.

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